Friday, September 18, 2015

Five for Friday {Sept 18, 2015}

It has been far too long. The beginning of the school year has been a whirlwind. Here is a peek into our first full week of school with Doodle Bug for her weekly Five for Friday linky.
My little kindergartners are budding into awesome readers! This year our district is adopting the Reader's Workshop model and these are my kiddos practicing their "Private Reading" and "Partner Reading." I got this idea from another teacher to turn their chairs back to back so they can "Private Read" without distractions, and then they also know exactly who their partner is when it's time to "Partner Read."

 Bonus: Grab my freebie Private/Partner Reading Signs here!

This year I decided to try out wearing a teacher apron and I have to tell you, I am in LOVE. I am one of those people who is constantly forgetting where I put things and this apron is a life saver! I ordered mine custom off a super cute Etsy site called AdorablyRabid. It came in about 2 weeks, is well made, and the pockets are the perfect size. I can't say enough good things about it!!
Yes, those are animal skeletons and they are awesome!

I have to say a huge thank you to Alison over at Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'. I recently won a giveaway which included a gift card to her TpT store BUT I previously won a gift card not too long ago to her store and had gotten a bunch of great products. She was sweet enough to remember and offer an Amazon gift card as a substitute. That same day the TouchTronic ABC letters I had been eyeing went on a one day sale on Amazon! Our very first set arrives next Monday and I am SO EXCITED for my kiddos!

If you follow me on any of my social media accounts, then it is no secret to you that I recently posted my first ever DonorsChoose Project for 2 iPad minis for our kindergarten classroom. The double donation SPARK code ended yesterday but there is still time to donate! I am offering a matching credit to my TpT store for any DonorsChoose donation to our project. Been thinking about getting one of my products? Donate to our project and support kinders AND get the product as a bonus! Win-Win!
Email me at after you donate!
I know I am super behind on posting a classroom reveal but I wanted to share this little peek at my room. My kindergarten sign above our cubbies is my favorite. A useful way to use the space and not upset the fire marshal!

Don't forget to link up with Doodle Bug for your own Five for Friday!


  1. That apron looks like a useful tool. If you don't mind my asking, what all are you carrying around in there?
    Stories by Storie

    1. It changes day to day. Usually an extra or two of our tools for the activity we are doing (glue, scissors, tape, paint brush). Instead of Popsicle sticks, I use cards with our picture/names which are the cards in my pocket in that picture. Sometimes I carry my cellphone for pictures.

      I almost always have stickers, sticky notes, a sand timer (for my kiddo who needs a visual to prepare for transitions) Cougar Paws (our school "money"), a few band aids, a pen, highlighter. And the big pocket works for random papers (bus passes, class checklists, Spanish phrases, reminders).

      I have a group that really keeps me on my toes this year so it's nice to be prepared!
