Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wishlist Wednesday (& You Could Win It!)

Hey everyone!

Back today with Wishlist Wednesday.

This week I'm giving away a copy of my Candy Math- Fractions and Graphing Pack! Simple comment below with your email and I'll pick a winner at random on Friday.
It'll also be 30% off through Friday night (or longer if I forget like usual).

Included are two math lessons that engage students using small amounts of Skittles candy.

Edible Fractions (2 Pages):
- Identifying fractions of a group of items
- Drawing fractions of a group of items
- Fractions on a number line
- Comparing fractions (<, >, =)
- Ordering fractions least to greatest

Edible Graphing (3 Pages):
- Fractions Record Sheet for each color
- Bar Graph
- Worksheet comparing quantities and reading a graph


  1. This is perfect and the candy does the work keeping the kids engaged! :P

    Teaching with Hope

    1. Yes! It's just enough candy to engage them but not enough to get them hyper! Good Luck!

  2. In some schools - not mine - you can't bring in food. Of course, you can always use some sort of manipulatives. Great and fun product!

    1. That's a good point! Our school only allows food that is store bought and up opened before entering the classroom, no homemade goodies. But you're right other manipulative could always be substituted. Colorful, painted beans could mimic the candy. Good Luck!

  3. OOOO this looks awesome!! I'm going to go and wishlist it now! Hopefully I win it!!
    Learning to be awesome

  4. Kayla,

    Thank you for stopping by to tell me I won! I cannot wait to use this with my kids. I hope you are soaking up the sun in Mexico!!!

    Teaching With Hope
