Monday, April 21, 2014

The Blog Formerly Known As "Rooting For Third Grade"

Notice anything different? Well if you didn't notice (or maybe your just new) my blog has gotten an all new updated look along with a brand new title to match my current position. Rooting for Third Grade is a thing of the past, my blog is now:

To catch up any new comers, I started this blog while student teaching in third grade last semester but recently accepted and started my first official teaching position as an integrated preschool teacher. The last month has been full of change and new experience for me and I absolutely love it. Integrated preschool puts to use both my general education and special education certifications.

I also need to mention a huge thank you to the winner of my Name That Blog Giveaway:

As winner, she will be receiving a $10 TpT Gift Certificate and a set of all my Digital Papers (that's 7 sets and over 175 papers!) and 3 Digital Washi Tape set. I will also be dedicate a post just to Kelly, interviewing her about her life, classroom, TpT, blog and whatever she wants to share with me. So make sure to check back soon to learn more about her and her new blog!

Thank you also to everyone who submitted names in my giveaway! I was really impressed with how creative many of you were, way more than I was with some of my original ideas. There were actually a number of them that I really liked which made picking one even harder. Just ask my friends and family! I think they heard more about my blog while I was picking a name than most of them had heard about it in the past nine months combined. (Read: blame them if you didn't win!!)


  1. Oh Kayla it's great!! I love the look, and the name! Great choice.
    Hope you're still loving your new job!!

    Learning to be awesome

  2. Cute blog name!! I love your header at the top!!


  3. Yay!!! So excited! The new site looks too cute!

  4. Love the new name - perfect for spring!
