Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sight Words With Pals {Freebie}

No, this is not a spin off of that super addicting smart phone game! Today I'm sharing one of my favorite ways to practice sight words with my kindergartners, I call it:
"Sight Words With Pals"

The concept it pretty simple, students watch a PPT slide show and read the sight words out loud. They change every 3 seconds or so depending on skill level. The whole thing runs for about 2.5 minutes, so I can fit it in our schedule just about any time.
(this is just a preview)

The fun is when a sight word pal appears on screen! There are two characters/pals per slide show (Cow & Chick, Robot & T-Rex, Cowboy & Swimmer, etc). Each character has their own specific motion and/or sound that the kids do when they appear. I like to think of it as a nano-brain-break!
The best part?? All the slide shows are set to a timer after the first slide. So once I get it going I can walk around and monitor students. (Obviously by "monitor" I mean be silly and do the motions/sounds with them!)

Feel free to check out the complete set of 6 slide shows HERE

And since I love to share, click HERE to download a freebie sample
"Sight Words With Robot & T-Rex."
This is #2 out of 6. Currently it includes these 9 sight words:
is, me, you, and, he, at, so, on, in

I know sight word lists vary so I made the sight words in every slide show EDITABLE!
Tip: Use CTRL+F to "find" and "replace all" of my sight words with your sight words! It'll go quicker than editing slide by slide.

If you download the freebie or purchase the set, don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think!


  1. I can't wait to use this next year year. Your idea is just fabulous. Thanks for making it editable & the control +f tip.

    1. You are welcome! I hope your students loved them as much as mine did this past year. Have fun :)
