Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wish List Wednesday {Candy Math- Fractions and Graphing}

Today is another Wish List Wednesday with Jen from Teacher By the Beach. The linky is pretty simple, each week on Wednesday, blog about your item that is most wish listed on TpT.

Today's Wish List Item:
Candy Math- Fractions and Graphing
This product recently got a big make over and update! 

Included are two math lessons that engage students using small amounts of candy.
Both activities now comes in two different versions, one for use with Skittles and one for use with Gummy Bears.
Contains (2 Versions of Each):
- Candy Organization Sheet
- Bar Graph
-Graphing Worksheet (8 Questions + 2 Bonus Questions)
- 2 pg Edible Fractions Activity
- Identifying and drawing fractions of a group of items
- Represent fractions on a number line diagram
-Explain equivalence of fractions
- Comparing fractions (less than, greater than, equal to)
-Represent a data set
-Reading a graphing
-Comparing quantities on a graph
Each page comes in a colored version as well as black and white.

Now the fun part!
1. This item will be 50% until Saturday the 12th here!

2. Friday at 6 PM Pacific time I will use a random number generator to pick a follower to get this for free. Simply comment below with your email to enter! {Make sure you're a follower on Bloglovin' too!}
Winner: Tania!


  1. This is so cute!

  2. This would be awesome to add to my math time!

  3. Looks fantastic!

  4. Using any food in math makes it fun!!

  5. This would definitely be a mottivator for my kiddos!
