Monday, June 29, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge Week 3: Make Your Masterpiece

This week our TpT Seller Challenge is to make a NEW product for our store. The second part is to then swap our product with another challenge participant to help get feedback!

The best products are ones that are beautiful AND useful so I am using this week's challenge to motivate me to finish a product I started for this coming school year. If you follow me on instagram, you saw that I recently finished my Common Core Data Sheets &Checklists for kindergarten math. 

Our school really pushes collecting data directly related to the CCSS and these helped me tons this year but they were ugly and messy. So after many cups of coffee and the help of two awesome ladies:
Sara over at Life in the Fast Lane & Kasey on instagram @kaseeylynne
a new beautiful product was born!

I wanted a product that could be used in a variety of ways by myself and other teachers. I also wanted to wanted to make the PDF user friendly since it's 60 pages long! I included a Table of Contents with hyperlinks to each individual standard. When I go to print, I use the Table of Contents to jump right to the standard I need! No scrolling and searching!

 So for my the challenge this week, I will be finishing the second set using the kindergarten CCSS for English Language Arts! It has been on my to-do list but I have been avoiding because it's a time consuming process BUT I know it will be super helpful this coming school year.

The ELA pack will follow the same general format as the math pack. In addition to data sheets and standards checklist, I will be including examples on how I use these sheets to get your ideas flowing. Honestly, this one will be a lot more intense than math so it will take some time, but I plan to have the finished product up by Wednesday so stay tuned!

Find the finished mater piece here:
Common Core Data Sheets & Checklists - ELA (Kindergarten)

Don't forget to check out the other masterpieces by other great sellers as well!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was a lot of work but I'm very proud of the results. Organized and pretty!

  2. The more beautiful it is the more likely I am to actually use it! This looks great!

    Simply Secondary

  3. I love, love, love the idea of a hidden link back to the table of contents--so smart and useful!
    Once Upon A First Grade Adventure

    1. It really makes it so much easier to navigate through the document!

  4. I love, love, love the idea of a hidden link back to the table of contents--so smart and useful!
    Once Upon A First Grade Adventure

    1. It has really been super helpful! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Replies
    1. I love data too! Thanks for stopping by and make sure to check out the finished product later this week!

  6. Looks like a lot of work! I'm a stickler for organization (and data) never know when you're going to need it!

    1. I am the same way and I'm happy to be. I always seem to find lots of uses for data. Plus it keeps me up to data on my students' learning which is really the goal. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. These are really cute and useful! Nice work!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully they will be a great resource for teachers to track and organize their data over the year. Thanks for stopping by!
