Sunday, May 3, 2015

May Pick 3 Linky - Summer Inspired Art

I am joining in once again for the Pinterest Linky Party that Lisa over at PAWSitively Teaching and Marissa over at Inspired Owl's Corner are hosting each month!! Every month on the 3rd, bloggers can link up their top 3 Pinterest picks specifically themed for that month! 

The sun is finally starting to come out and summer is on my mind. I can tell it is on the minds of my wiggly little students as well. My favorite way to calm my class is with art! Yep, glue, paint, scissors, the works. A little classical music playing in the background and it is the perfect activity for my gang. 

So this month I am sharing my top 3 summer inspired art projects!
Click on the images to be taken to the pin on my board!

How cute are these little swimmers? I am considering doing this with a writing project about what we see while swimming in the ocean to review some of our info we learned early this year!

If you didn't know, my last name happens to be Root, so our most recent unit on plans was a blast. The kids were totally into learning about plant parts, especially the roots! I love this hands on diagram art project.

This painting project looks like a great fine motor activity. I have a bunch of toilet paper rolls I've been saving to use for something just like this. I'm thinking of making it a two day, two step project. Black toilet paper roll circles one day and colors the next day.

Make sure to check out the rest of the great pinterest ideas from the other bloggers in the linky too!

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