Friday, November 1, 2013

Foxy Five for Fiday

It is that time of the week again, so here we go ladies and gents. 
Linking up over at Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

I am currently writing this post between Wednesday and Thursday so excuse any out-of-date info! If you are reading this on Friday, then I am like driving across Washington state as you read. Saturday morning I will be taking the Praxis II Early Childhood: Content Knowledge (0022) Exam. Lucky me, right?

I also get to finish up and submit my videos for the TPA! The goodies just keep coming, ha! Needless to say, the next few days will be a bit chaotic for me. I look forward to returning home on Monday and catching up with all the wonderful Halloween blog posts. Hope your week has been filled with more treats than tricks!

If you haven't yet checked it out, I am doing a clip art giveaway inspired by the What Does the Fox Say craze! You can enter HERE for your chance to win three sets of foxes. A  set of 5 glitter foxes, 5 chevron foxes, and a set of 5 polka dot foxes. You can also snag the classic fox right away as a freebie for a limited time!

I really had no particular reason for this giveaway other than wanting to share with you all my little foxes. I was inspired by my students which is the best kind of inspirations!

Our school is not so keen on Halloween *pout* and along with no the no costumes rule, they advise not giving out Halloween candy or Halloween themed items to students. The candy part was fine by me because I avoid giving out candy typically as it is. 

I still wanted to do a little something for the kids, so I decided to pull out some of these nifty dinosaur figures I stocked up on a while back as rewards. I also whipped up a note to leave on students desk as well. (If you follow me on instagram, you'll recognize this photo. 

Did I mention how jealous I am of all the sweet costumes I saw other teachers posting on instagram and their blogs? Because I was super jealous. Hopefully when I get a teaching position full time it will be at a school that does something fun like the ideas I heard about. I especially love the idea of having students dress up as book characters. Another theme I loves was "we have the POWER to say not to drugs" with lots of super hero costumes. There are some very clever teachers out there!

In the afternoon on Halloween, I got to join my third graders for some pumpkin themed fun. We made string pumpkins (messy goodness!), did pumpkin seed math, and a mini jigsaw pumpkin reading. To my delight, some kind parents showed up with goodies for the kids as well. (Although I should clarify that they did this all on their own accord because my mentor teacher "specifically told families the school does not allow celebrating Halloween.") I know I have only been out of their classroom for four school days but I missed my kiddos, so this was a wonderful way to spend some time with them. 

It was awesome to see their dedication to determining exactly how many seeds were in their pumpkins. Each student received a large handful of seeds to count up and then students had to work together to add up their individual amounts to find the total. We then compared their finds to what they had estimated earlier in the day. My favorite part of this was seeing how well students worked with other students that they may not typically chose to work with. 

Hmm, well I know there have got to be a number of things that I am missing still but seeing as it is Halloween night and I have a million things to do before leaving tomorrow morning, this might have to wait. I apologize for short changing you on my post, but you know how it is right? Always busy busy.

I would say that I look forward to the three day weekend but I think I'd rather spend my time with students than in a car for five hours driving to Idaho. Oh well. See you all in a few days!

1 comment:

  1. Totally with you on feeling jelly of all those cutesy costumes everyone else gets to where!! :)

    Teaching with Hope 
