Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Fox Says "Giveaway!"

Something you should know about me, I am one of those people that doesn’t catch on to “popular” things until way late.

My students have been asking me all semester, “What does the fox say?” I have gone on this whole time assuming it was some kind of joke that I didn’t get. Then suddenly they were asking me, “What does the HAWK say?” (I’m in the Seattle area, if you didn’t know, and the Seahawks are a huge deal around here right now.)

Being the naïve teacher I am, I asked them to just tell me what the hawk and fox say. Needless to say, their random response of singing/yelling and laughing only confused and annoyed me. I finally took to the interweb to get some answers. Here is what the fox says:

Ok, so now I totally get it. I know what the fox says.

Well in order to entertain my third graders (and myself) I created my own little fox clip art to sneak onto their worksheets and weekly newsletter home. I can’t even describe their excitement when I wore my fox sweater last Friday.

Here is the fun part. My foxy little friend needed a fancier appearance so I’ve also created a set of glitter foxes, chevron foxes, and polka dot foxes.

To celebrate nothing in particular, I am hosting a giveaway for one lucky winner to receive all three sets of these jazzy foxes. There are five fancy foxes in each set for a total of fifteen fancy foxes for your delight! (Oh the alliterations!) The giveaway will end on the fifth of November.

Since I love to share, everyone can have my classic fox right away as a freebie for a limited time! (click the image at the begining of the post).  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In case you were curious, here is what the Hawks say:



  1. Oh gosh this fox song is crazy!! For once though, I knew about it before them!!
    The E-Z Class

  2. So my husband who is a homocide detective asks me to google what does the fox say because evidently it's all the rage with elementary school kids. I thought he was so funny and then I watched that video. My kids are gonna go nuts. Also I already follow you so inhale no clue what my number is but I want to win these puppies!!!

  3. HA! I knew exactly what you were referring to, as my nephew introduced me to this song a couple of weeks ago. ...But now I have it stuck in my brain again - Ugh! :) That clip art is so darn cute!
    Crafting Connections

  4. My kids knew about the song too! I like your cute clip art!

  5. Hello. I love your blog template! I'm one of your newer followers, but I don't know what number I am. I think your clipart is too cute. Last year we had foxes in our yard a lot, and they are truly beautiful animals.
