Saturday, September 21, 2013

Aftermath of The Color Run

Today was the big day! I just wanted to share my Color Run experience with all of ya. After weeks of counting down, we finally got to enjoy "The Happiest 5K on Earth." There sure was a lot of happy! I ran the event with my cousin and best friend, Sabrina.

We started the day picking up our gear, snapping some before photos, checking out the Dance Party warm up, and purchasing some swag. I got a fanny pack and some cute neon pink Color Run knee high socks! The prices were actually more reasonable than I expected. There were even iPhone 5 cases for only $5. We also had to break in our homemade tutu's. Around 8:30 we headed to the start line. By line, I mean mass of people crowded together.

We didn't actually get to start till 8:50. It was ok waiting though because everyone was pretty pumped and energetic all the volunteers were really nice and encouraging. They had music going and were throwing swag. I got a bracelet and three extra packets of color (perk of being tall, I have a good reach height!) Eventually we were on our way to our first color station where volunteers with squeeze bottles of powdered color awaited us. Blue, Pink, Orange, Yellow. The color just kept coming and we just kept going.

Here are our before and after photos (we actually got even more color than this at the color after-party!) 

I am so glad we remembered our glasses. I could deal with having my mouth uncovered by holding my breath but I think I would have gotten irritated without glasses. 

There were a lot more people walking than I expected. I had heard it was about half and half as far as runners and walkers. Maybe it's because we were in one of the last start times , but it seemed like we were passing a whole lot of walkers.

Overall, I had a great time! I know there are lot of critics out there who don't like The Color Run because they are a for-profit organization, but it was a perfect fit for my first run. I knew from the start that only a small amount was going to charity but I was ok with that because I never got the impression that they were trying to portray themselves as a charity event. The point is really just about getting people out and getting them to be active in a new and different way.

So really, they succeeded in my book. If it wasn't for the allure of crazy colors and a pressure free running environment, I probably would never have run a 5K. If someone would have asked me a year ago (heck, six months ago even) if I'd ever consider participating in a 5k, I would have laughed and walked away. BUT now that I have done one and seen that it isn't so bad, I'd love to look into a charitable one to take on next.

What I loved most about this run was that it really is all about just having fun. There were all kinds of people there and all ages as well. From the senior age runners to the tiny little toddlers. And every single person was enjoying the color and having a blast. It was also really encouraging to see those runners and groups out celebrating for various reasons. We saw everything from people celebrating birthdays, to a bachelorette group, to children and families celebrating victories over cancer. How can you not be encouraged with that kind of appreciation for life surrounding you?

My Entry Cost: $45 (would have been $40 if I registered earlier or $35 with a team of 4.)

Swag Item Costs: $5- $35 (from bracelets to sweatshirts)

Length of Time: 3.5 hours (From arrival in the parking lot to leaving the event.)

My Tips: Wear sunglasses and use a fanny pack!

By the way, the color does wash out! Well, almost entirely. Three washes so far and my hair is still a little turquois on the tips. All other color washed off after one shower. 


  1. My wife and I are doing our Color Run this upcoming Saturday! Even more excited now after seeing yours!

    Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

    1. I was wondering when yours was becuase you mentioned previously that it was sometime in September. You and your wife are going to have a blast! I can't wait to see what you think about it. Don't forget sunglasses! They give you racoon eyes but they sure help when powder comes flying at your face.

