I am still eagerly awaiting contact with my two mentor teachers but in the meantime, I have been gathering and creating goodies for the months ahead. Thanks to the multitude of student teacher blogs on the interwebs, I’ve gotten some good pointers on what to make sure I have for the beginning of the school year.
First step was to create my student teaching binder. I actually do not like 3-ring binders much because of how easily the rings get messed up and how it always seems to be a hassle to get the rings to pop open and close correctly. Maybe that’s just my own issue. To avoid such problems though, I gave in long ago and started spending a few dollars extra to get the Avery Heavy Duty One Touch EZD Binders. Might seem like a silly detail but I would rather spend a little more than risk getting in a fight with my binder later in the year because it’s decided to eat my papers. I also picked up a pack of Avery
Kayla's Student Teacher Essentials: (So far!)
2” Red Binder
8 Divider Tabs with Pockets
Sticky Notes (all shapes, sizes, & colors)
New Planner for Student Teaching Only (3 planners for one person is normal, right?)
Straedtler 20 Count Finetip Pen Set (I replenished my current set)
I also wanted to get to know the school a little better so I hopped on their website and found out a little more. I created the following documents that I thoughts might be nice. The first is a copy of the daily schedule. The second is a copy of the school’s mission statement and vision statement. I also printed a few copies of the district annual calendar to put in my binder and planner.

My hope is that I will have enough time to also create a set of letters, one for parents one for students introducing myself as the student teacher. To be honest, I really just love a good DIY but with limited knowledge of what to expect for the school year, I haven't got a clue what projects I can do be for school starts.

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."
- Plutarc
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