Friday, March 14, 2014

Mmmm Pi... & 4 Other Things

It feels like ages since I last linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday! I've been a little sad that I have had so very little to blog about recently. With my new position lined up, I was hoping to have
more to share but I've mostly just been subbing and waiting. 
I need a new name! Rooting For Third Grade will be undergoing a name change and getting a new look to accompany my new position. But currently I am stuck! So I am enlisting all of you clever bloggers to help me out. Starting tomorrow I will open a giveaway for people to enter their ideas for blog names. Check back Saturday morning to find out a little more about what I am looking for and what you could win!

If you downloaded my Birthday Certificates - Spanish and English from my TpT store during my birthday celebration in February, there was a significant typo! The font I was using was not meant for Spanish and so the opening upside-down exclamation mark was missing. Although it is now a paid item, I am giving all my readers a chance to get it free HERE for one week only to make up for the blunder. 

Sorry you missed it but you can purchase the Birthday Certificates - Spanish and English at my TpT store here.

Happy Pi Day! 
I wish I could share this mathematical day with my prekinders, but sadly I do not start in my new classroom until the 24th. Also, the school I am at only runs Monday through Thursday. So instead, I thought I would share a little Pi Day celebration with all of you. For 3 days, I have picked 14 of my most popular TpT items to be 15% off! (Ha! Get it? 3.1415!) 

Check out the Pi Day Sale Here!

A little Pi Day math humor for you all. In high school we got shirts that said this for my AP Calculus class. 
I still think it's funny :)

As you may recall, hubby and I recently moved. Of course that mean I have a brand new space to decorate and go DIY crazy! Though it is not education related in the least bit, I wanted to share my most recent DIY. I fount these chevron curtains at Target just before we moved and I absolutely loved them. They perfectly match the color scheme we were going for. I could not find lam shades that I liked though that would come in both a large and small size and so this DIY was created.

On a related note, I highly recommend using the Martha Steward Acrylic Paint. It goes on so smooth and it's nice and thick so it doesn't take a ton of coats. I did two coats and was very pleased with how it came out. Use your Michael's or Jo-Ann's coupons and the price isn't too bad.

 DIY Double Chevron Lamp Shades

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