Answer: She gets sick the first week of school.
Yep, my kiddos decided to be oh so kind and share their germs with me. Can you guess how frustrating that is for someone like me who is obsessed with hand sanitizer and keeping clean? Very.
Fever, coughing, sneezing, aches, pains and sinuses pounding out of my forehead. And that was pretty much the summary of my weekend.
-----End Pitty Party-----
Anywho, it is still Monday so I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It! I will admit that this Made it Monday is not only late but a little on the lame side. Please don't
My mentor teacher already has a pencil system in place but I have noticed that the kids seems to still have a bit of trouble placing pencils in the correct cup when they need sharpening. So I whipped up these little labels to help remind them. Also, in the past my mentor teacher has not used a lot of labeling for her third graders. My experience is mostly jn pre-K, kinder and first so I am used to everything being labeled. My thought was that our group of ESL students may benefit from some extra word exposure around the class. We will see how it goes.

Since the second week of school also mean that students start getting homework, I created a label for our homework station as well. Our school does a "homework club" for students who don't finish homework to stay in during recess. I want to establish an easy routine for students to find their unfinished work, complete it and then get their hinies out to recess. We are also doing to put no name work in this area so hopefully kids will be encouraged to remember their names! Especially when their name shows up on the unfinished list due to lack of name.
That is all I got for now folks. I am starting my writers workshop with the kiddos this week though so you can look forward to some more on that soon!
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