Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oh, how sweet!

As you may know, (or maybe, like me, you had no idea) the Liebster Award is an award for up and coming blogs that have less than 200 followers (like me!). So what is a Liebster, you ask? Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, dearest, cute, endearing, etc. Such a thoughtful award!  

Here are the rules to accept this award:
.1. Link back to the person that nominated you.
.2. Answer the questions from your nominator.
.3. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
.4. Nominate 5 more blogs with less than 200 followers.
.5. Pose questions for you nominees.

I was flattered to be nominated by Melissa over at Ramblings of a Happy Teacher!

.1. What is your ideal vacation? I love a warm, sunny day at the beach when I can sit on a dock and watch the water.
.2. If you had an unlimited budget, what would you purchase for your classroom? I would love to take on the task of bringing in iPad’s to the classroom. So many possibilities there...
.3. What is your favorite way to de-stress after a long week? A good game of Cards Against Humanities with friends and a bowl of peanut butter ice cream!
.4. Tell us your most unforgettable student response/comment you've ever had. It wasn't a comment but an action. During an internship with an early intervention program, I worked with one particular 2 year-old kiddo severely impacted by autism. During our first home visit, he handed me a toy and allowed me to play with him. This gesture was a huge step for him and astonished both mom and myself. 
.5. What is your favorite season and why? I love the winter even though I hate the cold. The snow and cool colors are so beautiful. Plus, I love a good chunky, cable knit sweater and cocoa to keep warm.
.6. What is your favorite way to reward your class for excellent behavior? During a semester long practicum, my mentor teacher and I rewarded the kiddos randomly with 60 second dance parties. The kids got to bust a move and get their wiggles out and loved laughing as us dance along as well. 
.7. Sweet or Salty? Sweet!
.8. When you have time to read for pleasure, what do you read? I’m a big Emily Giffin fan and like to reread her books occasionally.
.9. Reality TV - yes or no? Haha, no. The only time I watch reality TV is when I am sick in bed and nothing good is on.
.10. Where is your favorite place to buy school clothes? TJ Maxx and Target are two of my favorite places to shop year round.

.1. My favorite children's books are the If You Give a series by Laura Numeroff. My absolute favorite is If You Give a Pig a Pancake is my absolute favorite children’s book. 
.2. One of my long-term goals is to write successful children's books. I love writing and drawing and would love to write and illustrate my own books for young children. 
.3. I have a slight obsession with Vera Bradley. I especially love when I stumble across one of her older prints at a thrift shop or garage sale. 
.4. The Pacific Northwest really is the perfect location for me. I love living near the water and being able to see Mt Rainier out my window. Plus I'm near the birthplace of so many wonderful things like Starbucks and Macklemore. 
.5. I am a Delta Zeta. I was actually a founding member of the chapter at the University of Idaho. 
.6. Until recently, I had not had any Disney experiences. No Disneyland, no Disney World, nothing. When the husband and I went on a Disney Cruise to the West Caribbean and Mexico for our honeymoon, I got hooked on the Disney magic. I'm already mentally planning detailed Disney family vacations with the children we don't even have yet. 
.7. Vanilla Latte’s are like currency in my opinion. 
.8. I collect souvenir squished pennies from places I've visited or places friends and families have gotten them for me.
.9. I am not a runner BUT I am currently training for my first ever 5K. Why? Because I love color! And The Color Run 5K looks like so much fun! I've actually kept it a secret from most of my friends because they all know about my resistance to running, working out, and being sweaty. But The Color Run is the 'Happiest 5k on the Planet,' how could I resist that? 
.10. Penguins and sting rays are my favorite animals.
.11. I can wiggle my ears!

My Nominations are:
.1. Teaching (Powered by Caffeine)
.2. Lessons With Coffee
.3. Mrs. Banister's Blog
.4. A Rocky Top Teacher
.5. The Hungary Teacher

.1. Who was your most memorable teacher as a child and why?
.2. Are you an early bird or night owl?
.3. Worst fashion blunder you've ever made in the classroom?
.4. What is your favorite subject and least favorite subject to teach?
Favorite classroom technology you either have or would like to have in your classroom? 
.6. Top played song on your iTunes right now?
.7. Are you a Mac or PC?
Best teaching tip you've gotten or given? 
.9. Dream field trip you would take your students on if you had no financial, time, or distance limitations?
.10. What's your "wake me up" routine for those morning you need some extra help to get going? 


  1. Loved reading your responses! You and I work with the same currency I see! :) Best of luck with student teaching!! :)

  2. I happened upon your blog...and I enjoyed reading your "random facts" - good luck training for your first 5K! Best wishes to you with your student teaching as well! ~Deb
    Crafting Connections

  3. Congratulations and Good Luck!
