Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: March 2016

Hey everyone! Today I am excite to be participating again in a monthly linky hosted by Forever in 5th Grade called Show and Tell Tuesday. Every first Tuesday of the month, you can link up to show off up to 4 awesome things going in in your classroom, at home, or where ever. Show off and share a little bit about anything and everything!
I had the pleasure this weekend of getting together with some wonderful Teacher Bloggers/TpT-ers from around the state of Washington. The meet up was hosted by Kristin and Lindsey of 2 Literacy Teachers and Joya of Live Love Serve Teach. It was so inspiring to get to actually meet in person some Teacher Authors I have looked up to since beginning my TpT adventure as well as meeting a few new faces. It was really wonderful to hear everyone sharing tips, advice, and encouragement with each other.

In addition to the wonderful educators I met, I also got lucky and won a gift certificate to Tieks (squeal!!). I have gone back and forth deciding whether to splurge for a pair of Tieks and I guess I finally got my sign to go for it! 
Do you have a pair? Which color is your favorite?

I am pretty proud of my Dr. Seuss themed display outside my classroom. Our Cat in The Cats turned out so adorable.

Can you guess that book character??
Life as a kindergarten teacher can get pretty crazy sometimes and I absolutely love the days when I get to embrace the crazy, silly fun. We don't do a book character day for our entire school but I love the idea so much that I joined out first grade team this year in the dress up fun. There isn't anything much better than wearing a pink tutu and pink colored hair to work just to make 20 little faces light up with joy!

Does your classroom have a class pet? This chunky little fella taking a dip in his water is a PacMan Frog. He lives in the kindergarten classroom across the hall from me but I've been baby foggy sitting him for a while now and got the offer to adopt him next year. I would love any classroom pet management tips or ideas you're willing to share!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It took a while to put together but was well worth it. It's been a big hit!

  2. Oh you lucky bum to be with Joya and the two from 2 Literacy Teachers. I follow them. I was at another retreat this weekend that I'll post about later in the week- also fun. And do keep posting about the frog... an easy classroom pet, that doesn't bite or sleep all day, would be a joy to find :) See you around. Kathleen

    1. I was definitely a little star struck being with so many bloggers I have looked up to the past few years. I hope your retreat was wonderful, look forward to reading about it!

  3. I have never heard of Tieks! I will have to check them out and see what they are. Love your Cat in the Hat display, so adorable! Thanks for linking up!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

    1. Oh my goodness, Tieks have been on my wishlist for so long. I have heard and read so many teachers praising them for being so comfortable and adorable. They are a bit more than I would usually spend on a shoe but with the gift certificate, I can justify it. :) I will likely be posting about them once I get my pair (if I can make up my mind about the colors!!)

  4. Looks like a marvelous TpT meet up! I'm in love with your costume! Too cute! Enjoy the rest of your week I'm your newest follower on IG!
