Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekly Summer Link-Up: Favorite Picture

Hey there!
Today I'm linking up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3 for her Weekly Summer Link-Up! I misses a post of two somewhere in the middle of the summer but I'm back because I love this week's topic.
Monica left the interpretation of "picture" up to us so I am choosing to share pictures from 2 different points in my life.

Favorite Picture:
Picture of Me as an Adult
This was a picture taken at our winter wedding reception. I love everything about it. My husbands ridiculous dancing, my grandpa with the biggest smile he's ever had, my bridesmaids and sorority sisters by my side, and a peek at my niece who had completely destroyed her flower girl tutu by this point and the most genuine laugh I've ever had! Such an incredibly wonderful moment. 

Favorite Picture:
Picture of Me from Childhood
This is actually my kindergarten photo! My mom made that lovely pink floral creation that I am wearing. Very 90's style. A few days prior to this photo, my hair was about 5 inches longer. But my aunt was babysitting my brother, cousin, and I when we decided we all needed haircuts. My mom was not happy about a last minute trip to the salon and I am honestly lucky I came out with any hair at all.

What are your favorite photos? 
Make sure to check out the other bloggers joining in on today's linky. I am interested to see how other decided to interpret this theme and what they are sharing with us today!


  1. Hi Kayla!

    Thanks for linking up! I think the photo from your wedding is one of the best "action" shots I have ever seen! The happiness captured is on pointe! And the black and white is stunning!


    1. Thank you for hosting! I thought this week's topic was a really creative one and I love the possibility with it.

      I was so happy our photographer got lots of candid photos because so many of them ended up being my favorites. They just capture the feel of the wedding so wonderfully. Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

  2. Replies
    1. For the longest time I HATED my kindergarten photo. But as I have gotten older, I have learned to love it, mostly because of the story behind it. :)

  3. Such cute photos! I have also been the victim of thinking I needed a hair cut around that age. Mine did not turn out as cute as yours.... What I really love is the description of yourself- I run on coffee and glitter. What a great quote for yourself!
    Learning, Laughter, and Love

    1. I think it is such a classic childhood kind of memory! Everyone did it or was a part of a similar story as a kid. And thank you for noticing my self description. It's very accurate :)

  4. How cute! I love both photos. I chose one from my wedding as well. I think that night always goes down in history, and it's also one of the only times I have paid for hair & makeup! Il ove the sheer joy your picture shows!
    Flipping into First

    1. Wedding photos are just the best! I love looking through mine and reliving the moments from that day. I even love creeping through friends wedding photos from when I was a bridesmaid and remembering all the excitement!

  5. Both of your photos are so sweet! I love candids like your wedding photo. And I'm pretty sure I chose that exact same background for every single one of my elementary school photos!! Hahah!!

    1. I didn't think about the candids before my wedding but I am so thankful my photographer did! They just capture the excitement and love so well. Love that you had the same background. It's so classic 90's child.

  6. Lol, your photos made me smile. The wedding one was filled with all the typical happening at a wedding: funny dancing, belly laughter and destroyed tutus (if you are lucky that is :) )

    Ah, and the kindergarten one made me pack my scissors even further away from my 5 year old daughter! That is quite a creation you were wearing (rather mature). Your mom must be quite the sewer because it looks like quite a complicated pattern. I love that my mom can sew for my children.

    Learning with Sunflower Smiles

    1. Aw! Thank you for your sweet words. And yes, keep an eye on those scissors! My mom actually sewed many more of these lovely style of dresses for me as well. Christmas, Easter, and birthdays were filled with pale floral puffy dresses. Even better was when my younger brother got older and she would sew matching overall outfits for him as well.
