Monday, June 22, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream

I am back for the 2nd Week of the TpT Seller Challenge! To learn more about the Challenge, Click HERE!

This week the focus of the TpT Seller Challenge is Dare to Dream and we are answering the question: What do I want out of this TpTthing?

This was a question I got from a lot of other people when I first started doing Teachers Pay Teachers and at the time I wasn't entirely sure of the answer. But over time as I became more familiar with TpT and began to see what was possible, I've got a few dreams on the horizon. 

CRAFT: This first dream is where I'm already out with TpT but I'd like to continue. I really enjoyed creating and experimenting with different kinds of art and DIY project. TpT has allowed me to purchase things like my Cricut Explore and HP laser printer without impacting our budget. On a larger scale I would like to someday write my own children's book and my TpT income would be a big part of making that possible.

LEARN: I have mentioned before that I absolutely love being a student and I really love learning. I am currently working on my first Masters but I have intentions to continue onto a second Masters shortly after. My husband and I agreed not to take out any student loans for furthering our education and I would love to see TpT help make that a reality for both of us.

FIRST HOME: Right now my husband and I do not have a desire to own our own home. We love living in our townhouse and enjoying plenty of space without the responsibility of taking care of the yard or maintaining the home. It's what works for us right now but we know we want to be homeowners sometime in the future before sprouts.

LITTLE SPROUTS: This last one is the most important! The Roots really want our own little sprouts to grow our family. We have a timeline in mind but a lot of it is dependent on getting financially prepared. To be completely honest, finances scare me. I saw my parents go through a bankruptcy when I was in high school and I know the strain it put on them and how it altered their whole world. My biggest dream with TpT is that it could supplement my income enough to get our finances (especially savings) stable and secure before little sprouts.


  1. Your blog is so cute! I love your dream about having "little sprouts." Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I designed my blog myself and I'm very proud of it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I agree with Nala, the dream of having "little sprouts" is so adorable! Good luck and I hope all of your dreams come true!
    Sweet Deals

    1. Thank you! Since becoming a Mrs. Root, I have loved using little plan related puns. Little Sprouts seemed perfect.

  3. TPT certainly gives us some amazing opportunities! "Little sprouts" are in our future too and I'm hoping that TPT can be a great way to finance when kiddos happen. Best luck to you as you go for your dreams. :)


    1. Yes! I am so grateful for what TpT has provided our family already and would love to see it continue and grow. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Seriously? You designed this on your own? I think you've found another side business!
    As for little sprouts (The metaphor is beyond awesome!) bad news: there is no such thing as a good time. Your mother has probably already told you this, Just sayin' ;) I only have one because we kept waiting for a perfect time that never happened. Kind of regret it now.
    You look like to totally have it together! Good luck!

    1. Thank you! I have considered designing blogs for other people as well, I just get nervous about designing for other people. But maybe it could be in the future...

      Yes, I have definitely heard that a number of times! (Especially from my mother and grandma because I am the oldest of all my cousins and siblings.) No worries though, we know that we can't wait for ever. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Hi, Kayla!
    I truly hope that TpT will help with your education. You can never learn too much!

    Made with Love

    1. Very true! Education is such a valuable part of my life, I love that TpT can help me achieve it. Thank you for stopping by my neck of the blogging world!
