Sunday, June 7, 2015

Fresh New Face For My Blog

I'm stopping by for a quick moment to point out my new updated design! I have been messing around with html trying to teach myself how to better design layouts for my blog. I am still tweeting and trying things out but I was too eager to wait to share.

I'd love to know if any of you have favorite bloggers who have helped you learn to design and customize your blog? ! Share in the comments! 

PS Make sure you get my new button if you've got a link to my blog on your blog.  Thanks!


  1. Kayla, girl! It looks AWESOME! I did the same thing, but it is totally worth doing it yourself! It looks SUPER cute! One really cool thing I learned was how to embed links in your header! You can upload your header on , and it will let you add different links to different parts of your header! After I did that, I went through Beloved Bluebird's tutorial at That's how I did my facebook, blog lovin', instagram, and TPT links and the links for my classroom, etc on the ribbon. It makes everything look so streamlined! TERRIFIC job, dear!

    1. A navigation bar was next on my list of things I wanted to try out but couldn't figure out the links! Thanks so much for the great suggestions!! I looked around for some tutorials and had no luck but it sounds like what you used is exactly what I was hoping to find. I can't wait to get started :)
