Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Favorite Things: Go-To YouTube Channels

Today I am sharing some of my go-to YouTube channels I use with my kinders! To see more great suggestions of other favorite things from teachers, hop over to Teaching Trio's blog!

1. Early Learning Academy
We have been watching these since day one of school and the kids still love them. They like to try and learn as many of the words as possible in each of the ABC songs. I love that they are all different styles of music so I don't get sick of them!

2. HeidiSongs
We have been using these more and more to get fluent with our sight words. I like to sing them when we line up after recess and specialist and the kids rush to get in line to sing along.

3. Badanamu
These songs get stuck in my head but I love them so much! My kids go crazy for them!


  1. I love reading everyone's favorites! Great channels for little kiddos. Thanks for linking up with us!
    Tech Crazy Teacher

    1. Glad to be joining such a fun linky! I've really enjoyed seeing what everyone post and finding some new blogs and resources along the way.

  2. I've never heard of Badanamu. Thanks for sharing!

    1. They are definitely worth checking out. I love using the Mimi Country Song videos for letter sound review. And Fat Cat Mat is an absolute favorite in our classroom.
