Friday, July 25, 2014

Favorite Pin Friday

I am linking up with Teaching (Powered by Caffeine) today for Favorite Pin Friday. These are just a few of my favorite pins that I found over the last week, and are now on my Pinterest boardsThis weeks theme is classroom decorations.

I love these door decorations I pinned on my board: Teacher Kayla's Integrated Preschool

This next one is a pin from my DIY's I Must Attempt board. This is such a simple but adorable way to make a cheap background from plastic dollar store table clothes. I am thinking of using it for an upcoming event with out church as a backdrop for a photo booth area. This could potentially be worked into classroom decoration as well.... hmmmm....

A few other classroom decor items I recommend checking out:

And I also wanted to share a few off topic pins I loved this week. Just because.

My current favorite pin from my Kayla's Cavies board, because I absolutely love guinea pigs:

My favorite fashion pin (because we've all gotta wear clothes, right?) from my Styles I Love board.
This outfit makes me long for colder weather. But then I remember it's summer and that's just crazy talk.

This was a new concept to me. Mason Jar Lunches. I pinned this on my I'm Hungry board and I'm considering these for my lunches when school starts back up. I have the hardest time packing lunches that are quick, easy, and semi-healthy but also fill me up. 

Do YOU have an awesome Pinterest board you recommend following? Im all about Pinterest board for Teaching, fashion, DIY, and the home. Comment below with your board or another one you think is worth following! I love finding new boards for inspiration! 

Find more Pinterest inspiration over at Teaching (Powered by Caffeine)


  1. Hi Kayla!
    I'm so lovin' so classroom door decorations! I'm particularly drawn to the paint palette one. How CUTE is that?? That would soooo look awesome on your preschool door. : )
    Also, that decorated file cabinet! I have plans to do that to my file cabinets this year.
    Thanks so much for linking up! Have a great weekend!
    P.S. The linky is up, so you can add your link to my blog now. ; )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

    1. Thanks for hosting such a fun linky!
      The paint palette door decoration is my favorite of the three too. I think it just might be the winner for this year. I would love to see how your filing cabinets turn out after you decorate them!

  2. Inspiration for doors!!! I am still trying to figure out what I am doing with my door this year.

    I am loving the salad idea. I have seen that idea before, but have not tried it yet. This just might be the push.

    1. I actually do not even own a single mason jar but this pin is going to be my excuse to finally purchase some and hopefully make delicious (and pretty) lunches in them!

  3. I love the cut tablecloths to create a fun backdrop. I love all three of the door ideas.

    1. I've actually decided to use the backdrop idea for a photo booth at a church event coming up! I'll have to post pictures of how it turns out.

  4. I love, love, love that filing cabinet! I am ready to do that in my classroom. :)
    ~Amanda from His and Her Hobbies

    1. Isn't it just adorable? I am really excited to give this pin a try and disguise all the metal cabinets around my room.

  5. I wish we could decorate our doors-new school building so a lot of limitations on what we can hang. :( I just saw those mason jar lunches too, I just might have to try that this year! :)

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. I am at a newly built school too! We are allowed to hang things but they are just very finicky about the kind of tape and products we use on certain wall surfaces. I am determine to decorate my door this year though so I'll just have to be cleaver in my hanging techniques!
