Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tried It Tuesday: New Starbucks Via Latte & Mocha

I haven't joined in Fourth Grade Flipper for a Tried It Tuesday for a while but had a little something to share with my fellow coffee lovin' educators. This isn’t particularly educated related but I know many of you share a love for coffee like I do. Many of us are also very fond of Starbucks in particular.

Starbucks recently re-release their Starbuck Via Latte packs. If you’ve never seen these, they are single serve packets that you simply add water to and mix to instantly have your favorite coffee drink. They’re a brilliant idea. I’ve previously purchased Starbucks Via Coffee packets and love them. They are quick when I don’t have time for the Keurig and easy if I am on the go. Plus the instant coffee packets taste just as good at the fresh brewed coffee from Starbucks.

http://fourthgradeflipper.blogspot.com/2014/01/tried-it-tuesday-norwex.htmlSo when I saw the new Vanilla Latte and Café Mocha packets, I was ecstatic. Vanilla lattes are my go to favorite and the idea of having them whenever and wherever I want makes me giddy.
A 4-pack will cost you $6.95 but for a short time they are offereing single packs for just a dollar. Of course I snagged one of each flavor to try out becuase, hello, it's Starbuck!

Unfortunately, I wasted $2.

I’m a huge Starbucks fans so it’s sad to say it, but both flavors were terrible in my opinion. I couldn’t finish even a half cup of either. My thought is that it has to do with the fact that they are the first dairy Via released. They also lack seriously in the coffee flavor.
On a positive note, they do smell amazing. The vanilla one especially smells delicious, just doesn't match in taste.
For just a buck, I won't stop you from trying it yourself. This was just my own coffee-loving opinion. For now I will stick with my delicious (albeit pricey) handmade vanilla latte at my local Target Starbucks location.


  1. Hi Kayla!
    I've never tried these at all. I think I'm weary of "instant" coffee and if you say they are terrible, I trust you!! ;O)
    Have a good rest of your week!
    Collaboration Cuties

    1. I know what you mean. "Instant" coffee is a brilliant idea but I'm usually weary too. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I've wondered about these Starbuck's Via drinks. Vanilla Latte would be a go-to favorite of mine too but I think I'll pass now. :) Thanks for sharing and linking up!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. :( I was excited when I read Cafe Mocha....and then sad. It's my absolute favorite Starbuck's drink. Thanks for the heads up!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. I am one of those "coffee-loving educators" that you speak of... and I have been eyeing those little $1 packets as well. I don't know why I hadn't really gotten around to trying one yet...maybe it was knowing that even if I liked them, once they went back to full price, I couldn't justify purchasing them. :) Thanks for the heads up - I'll save my bucks at Starbucks for a barista-made treat! :)
    Crafting Connections

    1. I was a little taken back by the price of the 4 pack as well. $7 for only 4 is steep. I planned to stock up on the $1 if I ended up liking them but I guess I'll be saving my money!
