Monday, January 20, 2014

Meet The Teacher Monday: 3 Things

Today I will be linking up with Trina from The Ordinary To Extraordinary Classroom for her 2nd edition of Meet the Teacher Monday. This week’s theme is Three Things.

1. Three Words to Describe Me: 
Random, Creative, and Quiet

2. Three Things on My Bucket List: 
Go to Disneyland (or World, I’m not picky).
Visit Japan (My brother lives there and I a still haven't even visited!)
Write and Illustrate a Children's Book

3. My favorite music genre and 3 favorite songs: 
I’m not genre picky, I just like a good song that I can sing to and/or dance to. My music playlists often surprise people because they contain such a random mix.
My current top three song are:
Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy
Let It Go- Demi Lovato
Deep South- Cartel

4. The first 3 things I would buy first if I won the lottery: 
New car for hubby, down payment on a townhouse, and a mac computer. But this list could go on and on...

5. My favorite movie genre and 3 favorite movies:
I shamelessly love children’s movies! My all-time favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. My current favorite is Frozen (amazing music!!). 27 Dresses is also a long standing favorite. 

6. Three Character Flaws: 
I am can be a procrastinator, I worry even when it isn't necessary, and I get obsessive easily. 

7. Three Friendship Personality Deal breakers: 
The Compulsive Liar (or Compulsive Exaggerator), 
The One-Upper (always has to be bigger, better, and brighter), and 
the I'm-Too-Good-For-You-but-I'll-Grace-You-With-My-Friendship

8. Three Things I Want More of: 
Money (I try not to be materialistic but let's be honest, I would not ming a few more dollars), Sunny Days, and Date Nights with Hubby

Wanna join in on the fun? Head over to Trina's blog and link up.


  1. Hi Kayla. I'm glad I read your blog because that's how I found out about the Meet the Teacher Link-Up. I can totally relate to the friendship deal breakers and the worrying too much character flaw. Plus, I want more sunny days, too - today's an unnecessary snow day here - I'll be in school until the very end of June - see, I'm worrying already!

  2. So glad I found you through the linky Kayla!! I'm pretty sure we should be friends! I too LOVE children's movies, and more specifically Disney movies! I will gladly go on a trip with you to Disneyland or Disney World!! My husband doesn't want to go, so I need to find friends who do!! My son and I loved Frozen, and I can't wait for it to come out so I can see it again!! Hope you have a great rest of your week!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade

  3. Hi Kayla! I just found you through the Meet the Teacher linky! I have Disney on my bucket list, as well! I haven't seen Frozen yet, but one of my sweet students insisted that her mom buy me movie passes as an early Valentine's Day gift so that I could go see it because she is in love with it. Hopefully I will see the movie this weekend, I keep hearing such great things about it. So glad to have found you here! :o)


  4. Thanks for participating...I can relate to your character flaws. I believe I am the biggest procrastinator on the planet Earth which causes me to be stress and worry unnecessarily. But I am learning to replace that worry with positive thoughts. Hope you join me tomorrow for meet the teacher Monday!
