Monday, December 16, 2013

Something Better

I'm still here, I promise.

I was supposed to have great news to share today and because of circumstances I can't control, I have no news. I won't go into detail because it's complicated and makes me a little disappointed. Not at all how I wanted to start my last week student teaching. 

About five times this weekend I sat down to start a post and just couldn't get it out. So I will be back tomorrow with more blog worth content. This is just me letting you know that I am still alive. 

This is for those of you who, like me, need a little motivation this Monday.


  1. I love the quote you's so, SO true! So many times in my life I have dealt with a disappointment of some sort, but then it turns out that when I look back on the experience some time later, I can see that it was all for good...either that or that it simply wasn't meant to be, and I'm now a stronger or better person because of it. Hang in there!! We'll be here when you're ready to blog again...until then, take the time you need for YOU. You'll be in my thoughts!
    Crafting Connections

  2. By the way, I just noticed your holiday-themed banner... I LOVE it! This is the first time I've seen a "decorated" blog! :)
    Crafting Connections
