Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sharing My Happy With a Giveaway!

So this was a last minute thing I decided to whip up. This morning at 5 AM I woke up to an e-mail that my final Praxis exam score had been posted a week earlier than expected. And I PASSED! 

(Insert a "HIMYM-style-self-five")

Now, I wasn't really worried that I wouldn't pass, more just eager for it to finally be official and set in stone. This awesome news came on top of having learned last week that I had passed the video portion of the TPA.

To summarize, I'm so stinking excited for it all to be coming together and I wanted to share a little of my happy and thankfulness with you all. Enter my giveaway for a change to win a paper bundle from my TPT store that contains 9 different digital paper packs totaling 90 digital papers. The Paper Bundle is currently half price at my store until Thursday night if you just can't wait! (If you purchase the bundle and win the giveaway, I will substitute with something else awesome!)

Have a lovely day!

PS. Feel free to share the giveaway! There could be secret rewards in place for kind blogger friends! 


  1. Congratulations on passing your PRAXIS exam! What a great accomplishment! The best thing about my day was getting my workout in right away. Now I don't have to do it when I get home!
    Crafting Connections

    1. I wish I'd had the motivation to work out. That's one of my weaknesses!

  2. Hi! I follow your blog any way, but I got a very lovely email from Deb to come on over and enter the giveaway. Also, congratulations on passing your exam!

  3. Also, the best part of my day is that I'm going to be watching Homeland on demand when I'm done on the computer.

    1. I've never seen Homeland but I've heard good things. Maybe one for me to set up on the DVR. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Congratulations! I think your day was slightly better than my day. The best part of my day was coming home to my kitties and hubby! I found your blog through Deb. :)
    Grade 4 Buzz

  5. The best thing about my day was coming home! School was super stressful and frustrating and I just wanted to be home.

    1. Hopefully you get some time to relax over the holiday then! I totally understand stress. Best wishes!

  6. Yeah Kayla!!! I'm gonna enter your giveaway and I'm having one over at www.shearerlysadler4thgrade.blogspot.com. I'll post about this there as well

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I will definitely be checking it out and entering :)

  7. The best thing about my day was the interview for a senior teacher job I had today! Actually I was crazy nervous (which isn't like me, I'm pretty awesome at interviews) so the best part was going home after my interview
    The E-Z Class

    1. Well I will keep my fingers crossed that you get the senior teacher job. That's really exciting! Good luck.

  8. The best thing about my day was babysitting for my niece and nephew and my nephew was not acting like the devil! He was kind to my son and my two daughters and was helpful and sweet...that is such a change from the norm

    1. Here is a shout out for your giveaway! Good lucky girly!!

  9. Making a gingerbread house with three awesome little girls!

    1. I'm looking forward to doing that with my two sweet nieces soon! :)

  10. The best thing about my day was that I got a little Christmas shopping out of the way!!


  11. Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment! Thanks for the fab giveaway! Deb over at Crafting Connections sent me over. I just blogged about your giveaway! The best thing about my day was that my son had his hockey game. Not only did his team win, but he also scored a goal.
