Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Look Who Joined TPT!

I finally made the leap and opened my own Teachers Pay Teachers store! I have been considering it for while and finally gave it a go. Of course as soon as I did, I immediately got all sorts of nervous. What if I don't ever come up with enough resources to fill a store? What if my stuff gets terrible reviews? What if I just look silly compared to other sellers? I'm a worrier like that!

But all worries aside for now, I am pretty excited to get start. Currently I've only got a few resources loaded and a few more I'd like to get up tonight.

It's a slow process because everything I've made has been primarily for personal use up to this point. Thanks to the AWESOME five part series on How To Build a Product for TPT, I learned all sorts of things about copyrighting, making a cover,  fonts, graphics, and much more. And after learning all that sweet stuff, I had to give all of my products a strip down to double check fonts, graphics, copyright, and overall aesthetics.

Man these things take a lot of work when you're making them for other people!

As a heads up to all you lovely followers, I may have a grand opening in the works that will include a giveaway and freebies!

For now, check me out here and be on the look out for something fun once I get my feet fully on the ground.


  1. You have lots of great stuff in your store! I am clip art and digital paper junky! I am following your store and your blog! If you follow Nikki at melonheadz, she has a great post of how to build products for your store!

    1. Thank you and I hope that you find them useful! I love Nikki's blog, I will definitely go check out what she has to say! Thanks!

  2. Congrats on getting your TpT store up and running! I'll definitely be downloading some of your free papers!! Thanks so much!
    Crafting Connections

  3. Your digital papers are gorgeous! I have wish listed your big pack!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. Thanks for linking up! I love your TPT store and was exciting to be your 20th follower! :-)
    Reading and Writing Redhead
