Friday, November 15, 2013

Class Dojo Party!

I have yet to mention this but our resource room that I am completing my student internship in uses Class Dojo. Today we had our Class Dojo party! Students who reached their points goal for the first trimester of school received a personalized invitation yesterday. Goals are different per student because we don't see all students for the same subjects (ie some may only come for just math while others come for math, reading, and writing.)

Edible Turkey Art
You may recognize these silly treats from pinterest. If you'd like to see the original pin we got them from, check it out here. There are a million versions if you search "oreo turkey" on pinterest. Some of our little turkeys ended up more like "pinterest fails" but there were still fun and tasty. 

Sand Art
Students also created Native American inspired sand art. Pretty straight forward.

Photo Booth
Building off of the college photo booth I did earlier this year (check it out here!), we did a college and silly photo booth with students. This was a huge hit with the kids. Myself and the three other resource room teachers even go in on the dress up action for a while.

How stinking cute are these little first graders in their over-sized graduation gowns!? We're getting this photo printed for our principal who is a huge supporter of early college awareness.

Decorating Frames
Honestly, we came up with the frames because all of the supplies were left over from the class that was in this room last year! (Free ready-to-use craft stuff? Heck yes!). We plan to print out pictures from our photo booth and put them in the frames for students to take home as Christmas Hanukkah non-specific winter time gifts. 

Turkey, Turkey
I got these two turkey themed language arts activities from a Thanksgiving Turkey Unit created by Jennifer at Love Teaching Kids. The first activity was a turkey glyph where students followed a set of directions to color in an adorable turkey based on their own attributes. The other was a making words activity that challenged students to make as many words as they could using the letters in "Turkey". For our younger grades we let them make up words as well.

I believe I got this awesome resource in a recent blog hop but I'm not 100% certain. If you haven't gotten a copy, I recommend checking it out. I was able to adapt these two of the activities for all four grades from 1st to 5th and I'm planning to use some of the others in the next two weeks!

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