Thursday, October 24, 2013

Teacher Fitness Thursday: Motivation

Continuing on the topic of my post from Monday, I am joining in another linky for the first time. This time it is a monthly linky called Teacher Fitness Thursday created by Melissa over at Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late. This Monday's topic is motivation.

I truly envy people who have a natural desire and ability to work out regularly. I still struggle to wrap my head around the idea that there are people who enjoy working out. What really impresses me are the teachers I know who find time and motivation to work out regularly. I don’t know how they do it.

But back to our topic. Motivation. It is very hard for me to find motivation to workout. I’m fine with being sweaty, I’m embarrasses about my appearance or abilities, I just don’t naturally want to work out. I know many people are driven by the desire to stay fit, improve their appearance, or just be healthy but that isn’t me. I know I should take advantage of being young and try to prevent future health issue by staying fit now, but when I don’t have the motivation, it just does not happen.

This summer I discovered The Color Run. (I know, I know. If you have read my blog more than twice, you know I have mentioned this a million and twelve times but stick with me.) Something about a giant color party was enough to get me to start an eight week 5k training out of the blue.

But I will be honest, 3 weeks into it, I was ready to just forget about it. Then I remembered that I had spent $50 to register late. And I’m cheap. I was not about to let that $50 go to waste by being lazy. Then a few weeks later I began slipping again and considered forgetting about the money. But I found motivation again when my cousin and I DIY-ed our tutus for the run and I got excited to wear them.

The big day finally came and it was awesome. Not I am four weeks past it and guess how many times I have run or worked out? Once. One thirty minute run.

So here is what I have learned. I don’t respond to long term life impacting sort of motivation because it doesn’t feel like it really applies right now (naïve, maybe but I’m being honest.) The best motivation for me are the small things.

Wearing a tutu for example. It’s tangible. It’s right here, right now.

Spending $50 and not wanting it to go to waste. Sure it’s short term but for that short time, it seems important enough.

Motivation can be the random non-sense things. Like wanted to have a color party at the end of the 5k. If it gets you moving, it gets you moving.


  1. I'm right with you on little, tangible things motivating me. When I was in college, I would have to make a list of all my assignments and set my deadline. Then I treated myself to a shopping trip. Maybe that's what I need to do for my workouts. Thanks for linking up and sharing your struggles! Sounds like we're in the same boat.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  2. I understand about spending money. I lost my weight by joining Weight Watchers and don't want to have to pay that kind of money again. It worked, and I don't want that money go to waste! Just find something to motivate you and enjoy it!
