Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wish List Wednesday: Dot Marker Letters - Capitals

Today is another Wish List Wednesday with Jen from Teacher By the Beach. The linky is pretty simple, each week on Wednesday, blog about your item that is most wish listed on TpT. Jen will be doing a weekly giveaway for her item and putting them on sale so I plan to do the same!

Today's Wish List Item:
Dot Marker Letters - Capitals 

Now the fun part!

1. This item will be 50% until Friday the 19th!

2. Friday at 6 PM Pacific time I will use a random number generator to pick a follower to get this for free. Simply comment below with your email to enter!
See the winner here!

Don't forget to stop by Jen's blog and check out the other bloggers who are sharing their most wish list-ed items!